Get Involved!

Would you like to help us raise money to send more cancer patients to sporting events!

Are you running a Marathon, 5K or Fun Run?

Why not run it for Foxtrot Oscar Cancer! We can help support you with a dedicated text donation number, QR Codes for donations you can also have a GoFundMe or Justgiving page as we are on those platforms as well as add us to fundraisers on Facebook or Instagram!

Get in touch with us and we will look at all the ways we can help support you, we can even provide social media posts for you and publicise you on our platforms!

Companies and Work places often have weeks or months where they will choose to support a charity or cause.

This has been a great success for us previously we have provided custom flyers and posters for workplaces as well as bespoke text donations and QR Codes for donations.

If you are interested in this for your workplace drop us an email to find out how we could work together to raise funds to send cancer patients to sporting events.

Although we hold our own Golf days we can not cover the whole country and that means people miss out sadly. If you could help organise a Golf day near you we would be more than happy to help you set this up and provide you with information, social media support and we will of course be happy to see any other way we can work with you!

Drop us an email

Could you host a Bake Sale or Coffee Morning?

This may seem small but it is mighty! Bake Sales at schools or workplaces are key to driving funds for small charities you could even host a coffee morning this would help us send even more cancer patients and their families to sporting events.

Drop us an email and we will discuss all the ways we can help!

Charity Tin

Could you have one of our Charity Tins in your small business to help people donate some change to us!

If so drop us an email and we will get one out to you!

Any Other Ideas?

We are always open to finding new ways to generate funds if you can help or have an idea please get in touch with us and we will work with you to help in anyway we can!

Email us