Health Links

Here you can find links to a number of cancer charities and services for people living with or looking after people with cancer.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK.  But over a quarter of cases are preventable.

Sadly, not all breast cancer cases are preventable, and women (and men too) will be diagnosed through no fault of their own. But studies have shown that by making changes to your lifestyle you can reduce your chances of getting breast cancer significantly.

Breast Cancer UK uses the latest academic research on breast cancer prevention to provide guidance on how to reduce your risk.

Prostate Cancer UK's top priority is funding research to stop prostate cancer killing men. We’re investing millions to find better treatments and better tests that can spot fast-growing cancers early, and could be used in a screening programme to save thousands of lives.

Bowel cancer is very treatable but the earlier it’s diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. People whose cancer is diagnosed at an early stage have a much higher chance of successful treatment than those whose cancer has become more widespread.

If you have any symptoms, don’t be embarrassed and don’t ignore them. Doctors are used to seeing lots of people with bowel problems.

The symptoms of bowel cancer can include:

  • Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
  • A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit 
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
  • A pain or lump in your tummy

Most people with these symptoms don’t have bowel cancer. Other health problems can cause similar symptoms. But if you have one or more of these, or if things just don’t feel right, go to see your GP. 

Sometimes, a tumour can block the bowel, causing sudden strong pains in the stomach area, bloating and feeling or being sick. This is called a bowel obstruction. You may also be unable to empty your bowels or pass wind. If you think you have a blocked bowel, see your GP straight away or go to a hospital accident and emergency department.

Get involved and support cancer research

Cancer is relentless. But so are we.​ Whether you fundraise, volunteer, pledge to leave a Gift in your Will or donate, everyone has a part to play. And every part supports life-saving research. Play your part and together we will beat cancer.​

Marie Curie offer support to patients and families living with terminal illnesses and also help to support bereaved families.